Spearfishing is an ancient method of fishing that has been used throughout the world for millennia. Early civilizations were familiar with the custom of spearing fish from rivers and streams using...
For more information, read the article about Spearfishing in Wikipedia
For more information, read the article about Spearfishing in Wikipedia
Spearfishing in your area
Pesca submarina Gran Oceà (Sabadell)
Gran Oceà es una tienda de material subacuática.
Tambien realizamos curso de pesca submarina.
Si necesitas asesoramiento en este deporte.
Moto Club Moianes
Atletismo,Automovilismo,Buceo,Ciclismo,Equitación,Hípica,Motociclismo,Motor,Pesca submarina,Submarinismo,Triatlón,Motociclismo,Triatlón en Moià.